miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010
BBC learning english
In the beginning I can't do much, but later Beatriz show me some useful applications of the page. Like Word Master, I played in "easy mode", but it's not so easy o my english It's not very good... I think my last theory it's the more probable. Also I saw "Words in the news", I liked this application because I can hear and read so it´s more easy understand, but the best it´s the vocabulary, because use words I don´t listen often and explain with synonym and phrases.
"Pronunciation tips" it's very boring and I don´t now if I could remember that kind of tips. I love “Quiznet” because you can see options, so it´s more easy understand.
In general I think it´s a good site, but keep thinking it´s creepy the presentation with all wrote in english, but is the best way to learn.
sábado, 24 de abril de 2010
"The Royal Tenenbaums"

I love see movies, so it’s very hard choose just one. But The comedy is the genre that more I like. So if I have to choose a movie would be “The Royal Tenembaums”. the first time I saw it was in the cable TV seven years ago. I loved this movie because all his characters were very eccentric and very funny.
Well, the movie is about a family. Three adult siblings and their parents are separated. The drama begins when the mother wants to get married and the father pretends to have a terminal illness to avoid it.
Although the story seems unremarkable Wes Anderson's hand makes it incredible. All his films have that thing eccentric. From "Bottle Rocket" to "The Darjeeling Limited," all have that special thing. As nothing is obvious. Unlike other movies where a character is "rare," everyone here is rare. So nothing is predictable.
Another special reason why I like this movie is because it appears Ben Stiller. This comedian I love, I find it too funny.
I think this film is a comedy but not for all tastes. Still recommend.
miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010
I like this comercial because it’s like a short movie. The colors are intense and the way it move the differents cameras it’s so great. It´s very interesting, because the movie “The Matrix” base on this comercial to do the scenes when Neo move and can see everything in slow motion. Other thing nice it´s the way how to pass of one scene to another, it’s really cool.
To tell the truth the Vodka pass to second place to me. Supposedly incite to drink, because life has more action and fun according to the comercial but I believe it’s so good so it doesn't matter if impulse to drink. I´m not so sure if provoke me drink… I think I really have more wishes to be an action actress after to see the comercial.
miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010
The earthquake
I lived the earthquake in my boyfriend’s house, with him and his mom. We went that nigth to Bellavista whit a friends, to a Karaoke. We take a taxi to went home. We left our friends in their houses and we arrive to the house like 3:25 am. Then, we went to sleep. Ten minutes later it begins the earthquake. It was very stressful because my boyfriend was not waking up and his mom was very scared. She put to pray aloud, because she is very catholic. So I was pretty scared.
When finished, we got up and I called my parents. I was lucky and could communicate with my mom immediately, but with my sister not. I was very worried for her, since ,she lives in the neighborhood Yungay in a house of adobe. Just at 6:00 am I could communicate with her, she was fine.
Most worrying was to know that my best friend was in Chanco (a small town close to Constitution and with coast). His brother went to look for her and her family three days later. They lost the bakery, but luckily not the house.